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Reviews Page

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Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie
Bob Dylan

Created by a legend back in the early 70's, "last thoughts on woody guthrie" is actually a poem, but the way Bob Dylan recites it makes it sound musical. If you haven't seen the lyrics or heard him sing it, I highly recommend it. You'll never be the same.
-contributed by Sara S.


Catcher in the Rye
J.D. Salinger

One of the best books written in the century by far. It tells of a highschool boy who is totally lost in the world. He doesn't know what he's doing or where he's going in the life of his. This book with not only make you laugh, but it will make you cry. It is the purest look into the life of a teenager.
- Submitted by Sara S.


Directed by Steven Soderbergh

A compelling look into the "drug wars" of our times. With an outstanding cast, Traffic seems to pull of combining four different people's stories and manages to tie them all together. Benicio Del Toro gives the performance of his life!
- Submitted by Sara S.